Saturday, 28 July 2012

ViiPER-No Talent Needed(Frenzy Diss)

R.I.P. Frenzy, you would be missed but ViiPER erased your name... This is diss is so hard it makes the Hulk look like Jammer.. If you don't know ViiPPER then I suggest you get to know before he bites your head off and spits it into drain. Just like he's done to Frenzy.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

MQG - K Dot Grime Freestyle [part2]

Bloody Mary K Dot just murdered a beat in four minuets flat! This Manchester grime heavy weight has been smashing up the scene for a while now but this freestyle puts him at the top of the pile right now. The bars are deeper than a fat bitches stomach after two for one at domino's. Have a listen and get blown away!

Deya - Xtra & Dorris Feat LK Video

About time this anthem from Manchester grime veterans Dorris, Xtra and LK got a video, and let me tell you its fucking sweet as ice-cream. I'v been blasting Deya for months now and I can honestly say the video does it justice . All three Mcs look eerily tapped playing with the camera angles and close up shots. I'v watched it three times in ten minuets now and I suggest you do the same!

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Sweeney, Predz, whYJay, C-Dot & Dirtklod - Performing LIVE at the MancKind Launch Night

First off I'd like to thank everyone who came down Dry Live to MancKind as it fully went off! Every artist that performed tore the place down, shout out to Dorris and Sin Seer for putting the event together! If you missed this one make sure you make the next one!
Where can I start with this set? Every man went in harder than Nokia 3310! If your familiar with Dirtklod's Klodcasts then like me you will know these guys do this all day long and most of the night too. Sweeney, Predz, whYjay and C Dot have all earned their status's in the Grime scene as MONSTERS and I think this set just proves this. Oh and once again Driklod is flawless on the decks.

No Mics Needed - Xtra, Sweeney, Jmicc, Magiic, Kdot, Sir Frost & B.O.W.Z Cypher

Jhhheeeeezzzzz this is a madness right here! What a cypher this is, this all star line up includes Xtra, Magiic, K Dot, Sweeney, B.O.W.Z, JMicc and Sir Frost. Every man went 100% in hard, and murdered the beat! It was filmed after the legendary first Manckind, and if you don't know about then where have you been? Its only Manchester's finest Grime event! Get down to the next one.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Elz - Freestyle 'Don't Flop'

So if you didn't Don't Flop's Manchester based battle master Elz is also an amazing Mc on beats as well as in the arena. Running with RRT he's been making quality music for as long as I can remember and I don't think I'v heard one bad track from, ever! If you don't believe me than listen to his freestyle video entitled 'Don't Flop.'

Tence - Cant Be Ignored Promo

Man I love Hip Hop, and Tence is bringing me the good shit all day long! This Manchester artist just raised the levels lyrically. I must say I didn't know about Tence but now he's fully on my radar, 360 degrees. I'v not heard a new artist I'v been happy to learn about for a good few months but Tence is a breath of fresh air, have a listen asap!

Monday, 16 July 2012

Shotty Horroh - Form Introduction (Produced By Blizzard) Music Video

So Shotty is finally back! And let me tell you this track is fucking banging, Shotty Horroh has to be one of the biggest names floating round Manchester right now and if you don't know who he is where have you been? This track is a little taster of his forthcoming E.P. its produced by Blizzard so you know the beats banging!

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Tempa Lyrical - Punchin' Up The Devil (Prod By. Riddle)

Tempa Lyrical is back again with yet another insane release! Punchin' Up The Devil is nice relaxing track you can just sit back, bun a spliff and think about life. Tempa's flow is outstanding and puts him up with one of the best lyricist in Manchester, he is also one of the realist! Every time I hear a track or see a video from him I rate him more, and this is defiantly one of his best, although only just over two minuets long this track has plenty of time to get stuck in the listeners mind!

Illatant - The Re​-​Session Vol​.​2 Review

Member of Misfit Music & Mosh Team, Illatant is one of the biggest names in the Manchester Hip Hop scene right now. His flow is so hard it smashes coal into diamonds! This release is a must have, its filled with twenty-two anthems that all bump harder than a woman driver. The album features artists such as Shotty Horroh, Briggzy, J.Strike, Raptor, CitySwift, Notes, Relly Allstar, CJ3, Legal Eyez, Motive, Kamo, Savage & Rick Charles. The stand tracks for me are I'm A Problem featuring Shotty Horroh, Adrenaline Rush, Who's Laughing Now, Fuck Em All Ft. Savage & Legal Eyez and Listen Ft. Kamo but I didn't dislike a single track! I highly recommend this release for any fan of well polished raw Hip Hop! So what you still reading this for? Go download your new favourite release now!!!


Download it free here:

KLODCAST - Ft. whYJay, Predz, C-Dot, Creeper, Sin-Seer, Sweeney. JMicc [12.7.2012]

The North Manny boys smashing Klodcast right here!! Each Mc is fucking huge in the scene right now and this set includes some of my favourite MCs. whYjay as usual a beast on the mic with his unique flow, Predz has a flow that reminds me of an old school 04 grimey feeling, C-Dot is quickly becoming one of my favourite MCs in the scene simply because his delivery is perfect every time, I'v always rated Creeper as one of the most underrated MCs in the scene, I don't have to say one word about Sin haha, he speaks for himself! Sweeney & JMicc have been smashing the scene and keep the levels high. DirtKlod is just one of the best DJs/producers in Manchester right now!

Download it here:

Dubbul O - Spooky Caravan (Prod. Kydro) Video

Dubbul O is part of the awesome Mothership Connection who have been tearing apart the underground Manchester Hip Hop scene with there static live performances. This tune is fucking insane, the beat is next level and the lyrics are out of this world. The video itself is one of the best I'v seen in a long time. I love the all round trippy nature of it and all of its crazy shots! Also its filmed in my favourite location Antwerp Mansion. Enjoy :)

One Way TV - JNG Freestyle

Yet again JNG just raised his own bar. This Manchester younger has been smashing the scene for a while now and he's been gathering some fucking sick bars! Every time I see a video from him its better than the last!!

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

C Aye Monk - ODDiNARY E.P.

I would say for about the past seven months every time I'v bummed into C Aye Monk I'v asked him when his E.P. is out. Ever since I first saw Red iQ rip up the stage at Jehst I'v been part of the Red iQniverse and rate each and every member of the crew, but there is something special about the way C Aye Monk spits his mind altering lyrics, his flow and delivery makes him one of my highest ratted MCs in Manchester right now. ODDiNARY is by far my favourite release so far this year, its filled with that old school Hip Hop charm which we all love so much but its blended with a pinch of the future and just a dash of a psychedelic just to make your musical experience that bit tastier. The E.P. kicks off with the anthem that is Discipline 99 Pt 1 which sets the pace for the rest of this masterpiece, B Side is perhaps my favourite track on the E.P. simply because the hook is just too much to handle, I'm literally  skanking around work! Step Inside is also a classic track which lets you look right inside the Monks mind, if you'v been blessed enough to see Red iQ live you will no doubt no this track off by heart just like me!


Download it free here: