Wednesday, 11 July 2012

C Aye Monk - ODDiNARY E.P.

I would say for about the past seven months every time I'v bummed into C Aye Monk I'v asked him when his E.P. is out. Ever since I first saw Red iQ rip up the stage at Jehst I'v been part of the Red iQniverse and rate each and every member of the crew, but there is something special about the way C Aye Monk spits his mind altering lyrics, his flow and delivery makes him one of my highest ratted MCs in Manchester right now. ODDiNARY is by far my favourite release so far this year, its filled with that old school Hip Hop charm which we all love so much but its blended with a pinch of the future and just a dash of a psychedelic just to make your musical experience that bit tastier. The E.P. kicks off with the anthem that is Discipline 99 Pt 1 which sets the pace for the rest of this masterpiece, B Side is perhaps my favourite track on the E.P. simply because the hook is just too much to handle, I'm literally  skanking around work! Step Inside is also a classic track which lets you look right inside the Monks mind, if you'v been blessed enough to see Red iQ live you will no doubt no this track off by heart just like me!


Download it free here:

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