The Bluntskins are the newest Manchester Hip Hop crew to hit the streets. Consisting of T.N.C's Bill Sykes, Mothership Connection's Cheech the Grim Reefer and beat master Pro P you already know that these guys are not to be fucked with. With ever track on the album being a tribute to gods green friend this is defiantly one to sit back on a Friday, roll a fatty with your bros, puff, puff, pass until your feeling the reefer madness. Musically this is a master piece from start to finish, with Pro P using samples from Terence McKenna speeches, Ali G & more it makes an interesting listen. Some great MCs feature including D'Lyfa Reilly, Wordz, Black Josh, C Aye Monk, Goshin, Spider Jaroo, Legion, Sparkz, Dubble O & more the levels are through the roof lyrically. After the first sitting I was left dazed and confused, it's a masterpiece. How high we're they when they recorded this? I think they were still feeling it the next Friday and the Friday after next.
Download or buy the CD here:
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