Saturday, 3 March 2012

Stand Up North's 2012 Manchester Mc Hot List

As its a few months into 2012 and several Mcs are starting to announce projects lined up for the year I'v decided to write a 2012 Manchester Mc hot list. I'm expecting big things from Manchester this year but these artists have participially caught my eye recently. So without further to do here we go:

10. At number ten we have grime artists Creeper, he has an E.P. in the works which I'm sure will be a great release. With his previous tracks being well felt in the Grime scene I'm sure Creeper will be well received within the scene.
Like him of Facebook here: or follow him @creepermcr

9. Coming in at number nine we have Don't Flop battle rapper/long time grime Mc, Blizzard, with an E.P, Mixtape and album planned you can expect BIG things from this cocky 17 year old. Don't underestimate him because he will collapse your brain with his bars.
Like him on Facebook here: or follow him @iamblizzard

8. Number eight is Hip Hop group Red IQ comprising of D'Lyfa Reilly, Bo'nidle and C Aye Monk. After a great year last year I hope to see a lot more of these guys. They regular play shows, I have never seen a bad set from Red IQ and I try and see them as much as I can. Make sure you see them live so you can fully appreciate them.
Like them on Facebook here: or follow them @REDiQniverse

7. Hip Hop collective Misfit Music makes number seven simply for their outstanding Button5 album. Misfit Music is made up by Briggzy, Illatant, Kamo, Noted, Demz and Rick Charles. I highly recommend Misfit Music and look forward to what all artists have planed for 2012.
You can like Misfit Music on Facebook here:

6. After his clash on Lord Of The Mics I'm sure Hypes will have big plans this year. With a heavy flow and hard hitting lyrics Hypes has confirmed himself as one of Manchester's best Grime Mcs and after LOTMs he will defiantly be remembered in Grime history, what happens next is down to him. I would wish him good luck but Hypes doesn't need luck, he has talent!

You can find more about Hypes on his website here: or follow him @ManchesterHypes

5. I found it hard to pick between these two so I decided they both deserve number five, so its Grime artists Dorris & Xtra. After Less Gass More Work Dorris and Xtra stepped their game up. With both artists working on solo material 2012 is set to be a huge year. I can honestly say I have never heard a bad track from either of these pair.
You can add Dorris on Facebook here: or follow him @itsdorris
You can add Xtra on Facebook here: or follow him @mcxtra

4. Already having started the year opening for Jedi Mind Tricks The Natural Curriculum are set to have a huge year! The live performances I'v witnessed from these guys have been insane. The Natural Curriculum is made up excellent artists that together make a unique modern blend of Hip Hop. If you haven't heard TNC I highly recommend seeing them live. They have also been confirmed for Croatia's Soundwave festival so get yourself down to sunny Croatia!

Hear more of TNC live. They are so underground you wont find a Twitter or Facebook page, a few tracks are on Youtube but now much.

3. Sin Seer clocks in at number three. Sin Seer is a great Hip Hop artist who has recently branched out into Grime working with such artist as Dorris, Xtra and Lady Killa. I literately cannot wait for what Sin drops this year, with out a doubt it will be an instant classic. Keep your eyes pealed. I am.
Like Sin Seer on Facebook here: or follow him @Sin_Seer

2. The legendary Grime Mc Shifty made a relatively unnoticed return into the scene last year, with a few videos he crept back in gracefully. So far he's made a few more videos with Str8Gz members that have gone down a storm in the scene. I hope Shifty regains the hype he previously had before his car accident.
You can like Shifty on Facebook here: or follow him @ShiftyM21

1. I think only one artist deserves the number one spot, and that belongs to Meany. With the long awaited Henrys Spine finally confirmed for release the whole of Manchester better be ready, Meany's hard hitting street poetry is sure to mean Henrys Spine will be a classic release that will undoubtedly leave all completion behind.
You can like Meany on Facebook here: or follow him @officialmeanyuk

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