Tuesday, 20 January 2015

10 Question Catch Up With: Its WHOO? Its Dorris Dorris

Yo introduce yourself and tell us what you do.
I'm dorris. Grime mc and call people nasty names lol.

How long have you been around the grime scene?
Been putting out music since 2007 (dorris volume 1)

What inspired you to pick up the mic?
Just being around people that mc from early and listening to hysteria tape packs back in the day.

You bring a very unique angle to grime, was that an instant thing or did you slowly progress into the dorris we know today?
I think it's always been there from early but over the last few years I found myself.

I know you've worked with a lot of artists, who would say was the fun to work with?
Either xtra or polymath. When me and xtra used to come together it was always a madness n bare fun. And when you make a tune with polymath it's like your creating a epic Hollywood movie ! Haha

Who would you most like to work with next?
This year I'd like to work with opium, nolay, sox and dot rotten. Producer wise - teddy

How did you get into clashing?
Always been told I'd be good at clashing due to my professional 1xtra kitchen party banter hahah. (Slewing random people in house party's lol) And chronicle asked me to battle on words are weapons I accepted and just went on from there.

What do you think of the current state of the Manchester grime scene at the moment?
There is a few guys doin it properly. But tbf it's a mess, no foundation no core. Everyone wants to be a blummin mc ! Take a step back be a Dj / producer/manager/promoter lol

What plans do you have for the future?
Just to continue releasing music until I get it right.

What's been your biggest achievement to date?
Probably featuring on lord of the mics 6 or collaborating with stream.


Dorris - #Whoo e.p.

OHH MY GOD!!!! I am so gassed right now and that's all thanks to the Manchester grime god know as Dorris. He's back with a fire 8 bar remix of Whoo featuring such beasts as Hypes, Eyez, Grim Sickers, Row D, Vader, Shizz and Butchaman. If you don't know who Dorris is by now you've been hiding under a rock, not only has he been carving a name for himself on the clashing scene he's one of the few grime artists to have a large body of work behind his belt. He's been putting out solid bangers for a long time now and has been a contender for being the first mc to really blow out off Manchester. This track is coming straight off Dorris's new e.p. Whoo which also features remix's of the original Whoo track done by the likes of Chimpo, Pavv and Moony. You can download this on 1st February. Your dumb if you don't.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Fumez - Remember Me Video

Fumez is back with an absolute banger! Remember Me is packed with punchlines and quotable bars, I seriously wound this video back at least four times. Fumez brings a refreshing new flow that I can honestly say no one else has done before. What we have here is pure raw grime in a somewhat stale scene. Keep your eyes pealed for Fumez and the rest of the Rej because I'm sure if their output in 2015 is as talented as this everyone in the scene with the Rej on their tongues.

Strickz - Strickly Beats Volume 1 E.P.

Today I'm bringing you a fire e.p. of 4 instrumentals by one of mannys best kept secrets Strickz. These tracks complete fire and are well worth a listen be you a mc or just a fan of gritty hip hop. I'd definitely recommend giving this little gem a download.

Download here:

Saturday, 3 January 2015

EZE - EZE Does It Net Video

Eze is one of my favourite mcs right about now, with a crazy flow and hard bars he really been making a name for himself in the clashing scene. Yet again another strong member of a team tearing the scene a new hole this Highlife member is a force to be reckoned with. This video shows off just how much he's improved since his early freestyle videos. Eze Does It is just a little taste of what's to come as you can expect a mixtape of the same name to drop hopefully this month.

Friday, 2 January 2015

Eze / Strika / Muver / Luchi - Shutdown [Produced by SkinzMann]

This is a full on banger of a track, don't normally post single tracks, or post 2 posts in one day, but I'm sat here getting fully gassed on my own. Highlife are one strong team and are going to take over in 2015 trust me.

Hear it here!

Butchaman - 1300 Sleepless Nights

If your a fan of Manchester grime then you should remember Butchaman from back in the day. He's made tracks in the past with fellow Manchester grime mcs like Dorris and Fluke Don and proven he's a top lyricist. Now he's back with a 5 track e.p. called 1300 Sleepless Nights and he sure as hell spits that fire. This is one of my favourite releases since Meanys - Henrys Spine. If you ain't heard it yet make sure you download it from Butchaman's soundcloud. Keep you eyes pealed for more from Butchaman as I'v heard through the grape vine he's got more in store for us in 2015.

Download 1300 Sleepless Nights here


Thursday, 1 January 2015

Butchaman - Fuck You

So I'v decided to resurrect Stand Up North for myself to keep a kind of documented history of what happens in grime. To bring it back my first post will be one of my favourite artists in Manchester right now, Butchaman. Fresh home my man is putting in serious work an it looks like 2015 is set to be his year. Check out his new video for the track Fuck You released on HypeUpTv.