Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Frenzy - Viiper Diss / Reply

Jheeze and I though the Viiper track was hard but this is evil as fuck! This is a very interesting clash, a Hip Hop Mc and a Grime Mc both going toe to tow. I think this one is going to hard to judge, so I'm not even going to try but all I'll say is I said Frenzy needed something hard to send back and he achieved just that!

C4 The Polymath - Project MK Ultra E​.​P

If you don't know who Manchester's C4 The Polymath is then the government must be wining. This ultra-political Hip Hop Mc is a breath of fresh air in a vastly stale world of Brostep and auto-tuned boy bands. Project MK Ultra is his latest offering and with his hard hitting flow and brutally truthful lyrics C4 The Polymath is one of the kings right now in the Manchester scene right now. Having proven he's as versatile as he is clever, by featuring on all manner of tracks including an all star Grime track with the likes of Dorris, LK, Sin-Seer, Xtra and Lady Ice, he has shown his influence stretches all the way across the pond since the mighty Diabolic has done a monster of track with him entitled Politricks Pt.II, this track is worth your money on its own let alone the other tracks. Cold World with Manchester's hardiest younger Inflict is another highlight along with Love and Money with paints a picture most of us can relate to. Rotten Apples Freestyle featuring again Inflict as well as Sin-Seer is by far one of my favourite freestyles I'v heard in a long time! I could listen to Project MK Ultra E.P. over and over and over and over again.


Download the album now here: http://xplosivec4.bandcamp.com/album/project-mk-ultra-e-p

Add C4 The Polymath on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/cfour.thepolymath